Genealogical Sources Available Online

County Leitrim Roman Catholic Records

Parish Baptisms      Marriages      Deaths     
Annaduff 1849 - 1899 1849 - 1899 1849 - 1887
Aughavas 1845 - 1899 1845 - 1899 1845 - 1899
Ballaghameehan 1851 - 1899 1844 - 1870
1874 - 1899
Ballinaglera 1882 - 1899 1887 - 1899 None
Bornacoola 1824 - 1899 1824 - 1837
1850 - 1899
1824 - 1837
1853 - 1899
Carrigallen 1829 - 1899 1841 - 1899 1841 - 1860
Registers for the period 1829 - 1887 have numerous gaps. From 1888 they are complete
Cloonclare 1841 - 1899 1850 - 1899 None
Cloone 1823 - 1899 1823 - 1899 1823 - 1878
Drumlease 1859 - 1899 1859 - 1899 None
Drumreilly Lower 1867 - 1899 1893 - 1899 None
Drumreilly Upper 1878 - 1899 1870 - 1899 None
Fenagh 1825 - 1829
1834 - 1899
1826 - 1899 1825 - 1896
Glenade 1867 - 1899 1866 - 1899 None
Gortletteragh 1830 - 1840
1848 - 1899
1826 - 1827
1830 - 1835
1849 - 1899
1826 - 1826
1830 - 1831
1839 - 1839
1851 - 1869
Innishmagrath 1834 - 1839
1881 - 1899
1834 - 1839
1881 - 1899
1834 - 1839
Killargue 1853 - 1899 1852 - 1899 None
Killasnett 1852 - 1869
1874 - 1875
1878 - 1897
1852 - 1870
1879 - 1899
1852 - 1866
Killanummery 1828 - 1846
1848 - 1899
1827 - 1846
1849 - 1899
1829 - 1846
Kiltoghert 1826 - 1899 1832 - 1899 1832 - 1877
1885 - 1893
1898 - 1899
Kiltubrid 1841 - 1841
1847 - 1874
1880 - 1899
1841 - 1841
1847 - 1873
1883 - 1899
1847 - 1864
1866 - 1873
Kinlough 1835 - 1899 1835 - 1835
1840 - 1854
1856 - 1899
1867 - 1867
Mohill 1836 - 1899 1836 - 1878
1880 - 1899
1836 - 1876
1878 - 1879
1881 - 1882
Murhaun 1861 - 1899 1868 - 1899
Murhaun marriages were not registered regularly. Register only contains scattered marriages.
Outeragh 1841 - 1899 1841 - 1899 None
Manorhamilton Marriage Banns (contains marriage banns from most north Leitrim parishes) ---- 1840 - 1856 ----

County Leitrim Church of Ireland Records

Parish Baptisms      Marriages      Deaths     
Annaduff 1879 - 1899 1845 - 1899 1879 - 1899
Ballaghameehan 1877 - 1899 1859 - 1899 1877 - 1899
Clonguish None 1822 - 1837
1850 - 1853
1871 - 1871
1881 - 1899
1821 - 1899
Cloonclare 1816 - 1899 1816 - 1899 1816 - 1899
Clooncumber 1851 - 1862 None None
Cloone 1880 - 1899 1845 - 1899 1888 - 1899
Dowra 1877 - 1899 None 1877 - 1899
Drumlease 1827 - 1899 1830 - 1899 1827 - 1899
Drumreilly 1877 - 1899 1846 - 1899 1877 - 1899
Drumshanbo 1885 - 1899 1845 - 1899 1885 - 1899
Farnaught 1880 - 1899 None 1892 - 1899
Fenagh 1883 - 1899 1854 - 1899 1883 - 1899
Innishmagrath 1877 - 1899 None 1877 - 1899
Killargue 1879 - 1899 1894 - 1899 1879 - 1899
Killasnet 1877 - 1899 1846 - 1899 1862 - 1899
Killegar 1878 - 1899 1845 - 1899 1878 - 1899
Killanummery 1884 - 1899 1845 - 1899 1856 - 1899
Kiltoghert 1810 - 1899 1810 - 1899 1811 - 1899
Kiltubrid 1883 - 1899 1845 - 1899 1883 - 1899
Mohill 1785 - 1786
1795 - 1797
1802 - 1814
1831 - 1899
1783 - 1785
1796 - 1797
1802 - 1814
1832 - 1899
1804 - 1809
1836 - 1899
Newtowngore 1877 - 1899 1850 - 1899 1877 - 1899
Outeragh 1833 - 1877
1880 - 1899
1833 - 1899 1833 - 1899
Rossinver 1876 - 1899 1845 - 1899 1876 - 1899

County Leitrim Methodist Records

Parish Baptisms      Marriages      Deaths     
Ballinamore 1882 - 1920 1905 - 1918 None
Ballyfarnon None 1883 - 1899 None
Drumshanbo & Boyle 1840 - 1899 1866 - 1899 None
Innishmagrath None 1886 - 1899 None
Manorhamilton 1876 - 1899 1865 - 1899 None
Mohill 1882 - 1920 1888 - 1905 None
Newtowngore 1882 - 1920 1897 - 1920 None

County Leitrim Presbyterian Records

Parish Baptisms      Marriages      Deaths     
Carrigallen 1829 - 1917 1835 - 1869 1880 - 1900
Registers for the Church of Drumkeerin, Co. Cavan are included with Carrigallen.  Baptisms for Drumkeerin commence in 1797.
Creevelea None 1854 - 1882 None

County Leitrim Civil Records

District Births Marriages      Deaths     
Ballinamore 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Carrigallen 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Dromahaire 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Drumkeeran 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Drumshanbo 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Jamestown 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Kinlough 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Leitrim 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Lurganboy/Cluinin 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Manorhamilton/Kiltyclogher 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Mohill 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Newtowngore 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Rowan 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920
Rynn 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920 1864 - 1920

County Leitrim Census Records

Year Number Description
1821 7,264 Carrigallen Civil Parish
1821 24 Drumreilly Civil Parish
1901 69,293 Census of Ireland
1911 63,603 Census of Ireland

Census Substitutes

Year Source Number Coverage
1829 Tithe 496 Parishes of Annaduff
1833 Tithe 12,838 Parishes of Carrigallen, Cloone, Drumlease, Drumreilly, Fenagh, Inishmagrath, Killargue, Killasnet, Kiltoghert, Kiltubrid, Oughteragh, Rossinver
1834 Tithe 2,382 Parishes of Cloonlogher, Killanummery and Mohill
1835 Tithe 2,185 Parishes of Cloonclare and Killasnet
1836 Tithe 1,439 Parish of Cloonclare
1846 Tithe 631 Parish of Drumlease

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